How the medical monopoly hides inconvenient vaccine truths
Hits: 2934
The Hidden Connection Behind Viruses, Vaccines and Cancer
Hits: 2968
The great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism and your child's health
Hits: 2884
Piers Morgan Falls Ill Just Days After Receiving Flu Vaccine
Hits: 2803
Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms
Hits: 2616
Total assault on medical free speech as British authorities threaten vaccine-autism website over its content
Hits: 2594
Mercury in vaccines: “No more dangerous than the mercury in a tuna sandwich”
Hits: 3012
30 years of secret, official transcripts prove vaccine schedules in US and UK are based on government lies
Hits: 2440
Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years
Hits: 2194
Vaccines do far more harm than good
Hits: 2342