You may have seen the recent Project Veritas undercover exposé in which high-ranking Pfizer executive Dr. Jordan Walker (Director, Research & Development Strategic Operations – for now) admitted that Pfizer engages in “directed evolution” experiments. According to Dr. Robert Malone, there is essentially no difference between this and gain of function. The end result is that Pfizer is planning to engineer new mutant pathogens (deadly viruses) in order to develop new “vaccines” to cure the viruses they create!!
Brilliant corporate strategy: ‘We treat the diseases we’ve created.’
The feckless Dr. Walker isn’t some flunky. His boss (again, for now) Mikael Dolsten, reports directly to CEO Albert Bourla. This is as close to a smoking gun as it gets.
In response, courageous Michigan lawmakers, including but not limited to Michigan Freedom Caucus members, Representatives Rachelle Smit and Matt Maddock, who stood with Michigan for Vaccine Choice and other grassroots organizers to protest outside of the Pfizer death cult in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and to demand answers.
The protest was originally scheduled for another location, but someone (Pfizer execs??) leaned on the cops to shut it down. No matter! The Michigan lawmakers and grassroots organizers were not to be deterred! They quickly took the fight directly to the Pfizer war criminals.
Michigan Freedom Caucus member Representative Rachelle Smit railed against Fascist Pfizer and its corrupt government and media allies. “Turns out, they’re manufacturing deadly, Frankenstein viruses!” Rep. Smit attacked the lies that killed and injured thousands of Americans with ineffective and dangerous “vaccines.” They’re continuing to target our children with these vaccines and this widespread criminal enterprise must end.
Representative Matt Maddock also demanded answers, denouncing Pfizer and its federal government co-conspirators as “war criminals.”
Representatives Smit and Maddock were joined by other courageous lawmakers, including Rep. Steve Carra, Rep. Brad Paquette, Rep. Angela Rigas, Rep. Neil Friske, Rep. Jim DeSana, and Rep. Joseph Fox, and Senator Jonathan Lindsey.

Michigan Freedom Caucus: Rep. Steve Carra

Michigan Freedom Caucus: Rep. Angela Rigas

Michigan Freedom Caucus: Rep. Brad Paquette

Michigan Freedom Caucus: Rep. Neil Friske

Michigan Freedom Caucus: Rep. Jim DeSana

Michigan Freedom Caucus: Rep. Joseph Fox
If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood.
This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible.
— Henry David Thoreau
This will be the first year I willfully and intentionally do not pay my full share of income tax. I certainly have no illusions that I am Henry David Thoreau — frequent readers of mine will attest to that — nor do I believe that withholding a portion of my federal income taxes will cause the American war machine to grind to a halt, or that the sufferings of millions in wars around the world, wars supported, directly and indirectly, by the U.S. government and U.S. industry, will be ended. However, no longer can I look past the reality that my annual voluntary forfeiture of money to my government pays for violence around the globe, at astounding levels, and I am not able to provide any more excuses or rationalizations that paying without protest, that being complicit in funding war without resistance, is not contradictory to my faith and to my conscience. Quite simply put, I can no longer ignore the basic, yet just, wisdom and truth found in the war tax resisters’ dictum: “If you work for peace, stop paying for war.”
I fought in our Global War on Terror with the marines, and I even worked as a modern day colonial administrator, at one time having $26 million in cash in two safes in my bedroom in Tikrit, Iraq. My participation in these wars has left me with moral injury, a condition that is, thankfully, becoming better understood in the veterans and medical communities. In 2009, while serving with the State Department in Afghanistan, I could no longer go along with the war, let alone its escalation, and I resigned in protest. For the last five and one half years I have worked as a peace advocate in various degrees and capacities. As I have progressed in my healing from the psychiatric wounds of war, I have continued on my own path of advocacy for peace. I relate this personal information to you, not to proselytize myself, but, rather, to illustrate that the decision to willfully resist taxes to oppose war is not one I have entered into lightly or one that comes as a singular event in my life, but one that is a culmination of my life’s experiences.
As I have come to accept that I can no longer justify providing money to my government to pay for the bombs and bullets our forces use to kill millions abroad, or contribute to the funds that supply and resupply the arsenals of our allies, such as Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia, as they kill others and repress their own people, my choice to willfully not pay taxes has crystallized. It has been aided, in great part, by the testimonies of those who have practiced war tax resistance, in some cases, for several decades, and who by their courage and dedication to laws of love and peace have risked the authority of the federal government to follow what is right. I am also indebted to peers like Rory Fanning and Logan Mehl-Laturi and old friends, like Count Leo Tolstoy, who, by articulating their convictions, have helped not just to educate me, but to embolden me.
I do not have a legal issue with taxation, and I have no interest in self-enrichment. I want to pay my fair share for the services our government provides, so utilizing the information provided by the War Resisters League, I will calculate the income tax I owe, as I have done in any previous year, and pay only the portions our federal government utilizes for services other than war. I will file my taxes and include a letter to the IRS explaining why I am not paying in full and why I will not pay in full. If they want the money for killing, then they will have to take that share.
As a recipient of Veterans Administration assistance, and as someone who thoroughly understands the need to heal the wounds of war, my contribution will include payment for veterans services. I will also pay for the debt owed to past wars, as that is something that cannot be undone. What I do not pay to the government for the functions of war I will redirect and donate to a five star-rated veterans charity.
I do all this with the complete understanding that our government will just allocate the amount I pay to war functions anyway, and that the small amount I am withholding will not cause Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to lay awake at night. However, it is an act I take pride in, as I can now rest my conscience knowing that I am no longer fully and voluntarily participating in wars that are not just immoral, but counter-productive. For how many more millions will we kill just to keep seeing terrorist groups metastasize and ensure kleptocracies remain in power? There is also some edification in putting some element of myself and my life, however small this really is, in the path of militarism and its counterparts: death, suffering and waste.
It is not very common for war tax resisters to have property seized by the IRS, and even more rare for someone to face jail time. The most common consequences that thousands of war tax resistors face each year are accrued penalties and interest, wage garnishment and property liens, plus lots of unfriendly letters. Everyone’s case is different and, so, I wonder whether my VA disability pay will be docked or my utility of the GI Bill to pay for attendance at seminary or graduate school thwarted. If so, so be it, I’m done with taking part in war. I urge you to follow your conscience, listen to your heart, find strength in your faith and in humanity, as well as in the brave individuals who have journeyed before us, and join me in a peaceful revolution of conscience.
War Tax Resistance predates Christianity and has, within our own American history, many chapters. I hope this essay makes a difference for someone in their own personal journey of peace advocacy, just as others who have made known their resistance have positively influenced me. The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee is a great place for individuals who are struggling with issues of war, faith and conscience to turn to, as it has been a great source of support for me, both educationally and inspirationally. Additionally, you can add your voice of support for those who find their conscience violated by paying for war by supporting Representative John Lewis and asking him to re-introduce his Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act and by supporting the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund.
Bernie Suarez
Yet another new year is upon us, and those of us fully awakened can see that the globalist plan to control humanity is rolling forward at superhighway speed as our battle for humanity rages on. So let's ask the question, what can we do as truth seekers to improve our odds of success against this global cabal of control and oppression? Is there anything worth throwing on the table with the advent of the new year for truth seekers to consider that could actually act as a game-changer in this battle for truth, freedom, and consciousness? Actually there is.
I deeply pondered on this issue as we begin a new year and I want to share seven points that could make a big difference in our battle for humanity by bringing truth seekers together on the same page so that we can act more effectively, more efficiently and have a greater impact on the world around us in the new year. Here are seven things I believe all truth seekers should stop doing (if they are doing these), so that we can gel as a movement and strengthen our presence and impact on the consciousness of the current world. These points, I believe, will help us leave our mark on history as we push forward with the current information war of today.
1 - Stop labeling everyone who doesn't agree with you on every single issue, as "controlled opposition"
I now hear it all the time. This person and that person is "controlled opposition." We know factually that the U.S. government has indeed co-opted (to put it lightly) many movements in America in the past, dating back to the 1960s and before. There is no question that government employs controlled opposition to stifle and derail movements. The phrase, "the truth shall set you free,"comes to mind. It is exponentially more important for truth seekers to fight the good fight, do their own research, check the authenticity of claims with verifiable facts and science, i.e. search for truth. Most importantly, determine what your main purpose is, and then focus on what means most to you instead of burning all your energy trying to warn others who the controlled opposition is or isn't. Consider that, ultimately, if you are wrong about your accusation, this will serve to divide the movement further and potentially create more damage than good to the movement.
We all know that the trolls and shills that regularly appear on mainstream media are ALL by definition controlled opposition, but what about the person that is doing a lot of work to expose evil and state crimes against humanity? What about the perceived leader who is tirelessly working to expose the actual globalists, the Illuminati, and the long-term plans of the new world order? Is that person also controlled opposition if you don't agree with everything they are saying? Perhaps they inadvertently are; however, shouldn't those people be given credit for the good that they are doing to expose the globalist plans?
Example: I believe truth prevails, and if someone is working hard on one issue while declaring other things that you or I may not completely agree is true, then it might be better in the long run to say to others that person X has a message A, B and C of which you only agree with A and B and you're hoping messenger X comes around on item C - or just be firm, you don't agree with item C. This less aggressive approach alone could help the truth movement become stronger rather than pulling out the shotgun and tearing down the messenger all together over one issue.
Some people may do this with good intentions feeling they are "saving" the truth movement from a "disinformation" agent; but, in reality, truth seekers today are smart and not everyone believes every single thing that someone says anyway. If these people working hard in the truth movement are truly controlled opposition, I believe we should at least give credit for the "opposition" part of what they do and ignore the "controlled" part. Or, if you feel strongly, don't accept the person all together but don't spend all your energy bad mouthing that person. Instead spend you time in a more productive manner.
It's a tough topic and understandably every case is unique. Ultimately, however, if each and every single one of us focused primarily on being the change and (as the late Michael Ruppert once said) picking up your weapon and firing it - we wouldn't have so much time to attack or "expose" those who we think are "controlled opposition" who in fact may simply have a different opinion. Instead, we'll be active making a name for ourselves as individuals who are the actual effective "opposition." If everyone did this, I believe those that truly are controlled opposition inside the movement will eventually reveal themselves, as we have seen with some individuals this past year. Truth itself is far more important than following and believing someone you want to believe is "all truth."
2 - Stop pushing only doom and gloom and start focusing on solutions
Some truth seekers only talk about how bad things are. We hear it all the time: The world is always about to end. The control system will never be defeated. They have eternal power and control over you and I and anyone who challenges them will die. Evil is forever, everyone is a sheep. Those who are awake stand alone, so brace for the inevitable cataclysmic ending. They often may suggest - don't even bother to share information and awareness because the sheep are too stupid to get it. Instead, they suggest, just look out for yourself!
That's right, some truth seekers have completely given up on humanity. Unless someone writes about how horrible things are, the messengers are often accused by these very truth seekers of being gullible, naive, maybe even "controlled opposition"!! The attacks go on and on. Scarcity, doom and gloom is here, they warn us, and anyone who doesn't worship this meme is a thorn in the side of the truth somehow. All of this is nonsense and is derived, I believe, from our own inherent fearful nature combined with our obsession with being right. Certainly many of us can relate to the feeling these doomsday messengers relay. We understand that they may even be right in their predictions. I get it! The world we live in is evil, and we indeed face many insurmountable obstacles.
Message to all who think this way: the world may indeed be over by tomorrow. And, if so, then you win! Congratulations! However, as humans, we must not ever give up. We must fight, and we must continue to have hope and share the hope for tomorrow with each other. Learn the power of hope. Learn the power of people. Yes, we are all the same, regardless of what your skin color is, your gender, your age or even how much money you have in your account. We all seek love and acceptance, and we all buckle to fear. We all need hope for tomorrow and it is incumbent upon us to perpetuate this hope and find and share solutions to overcome the fear.
The enemy wants nothing more than for you to live in fear, worry and hopelessness, so that they can stand on your head and declare victory over you. Call me naive, but I will never give the enemy that easy victory and neither should you. Does it mean we shouldn't be vigilant? Of course not. There is a big difference between being vigilant and doomsday scaremongering. Learn the power of love, hope, and personal inspiration instead, and put it into practice in your journey for truth. This alone will offer more solutions to humanity than you could ever imagine, even in the face of all the darkness and evil we live in today.
3 - Stop giving a voice to those still echoing opposition to well-established facts
This next item is a pet peeve of mine; and if others don't agree, that's okay.
I feel truth seekers should (whenever they can and whenever it is reasonable) stop giving a voice to trolls and shills posting comments online that are entirely against well-known and well-established facts. The prime examples that come to mind are the trolls who phish sites to post comments denying the existence of admitted geoengineering programs known as chemtrails and chembomb spraying.
Despite the overwhelming evidence available to our own eyes every single day, and the evidence collected by the movement over the years, here we are in 2015 and still the "contrails" trolls continue their online campaign.
Well it's time to cut them off. Remove all their comments from your channel, blog site or other platforms. Specifically with chemtrails spraying, these (paid?) trolls need YOUR platform to spread their lies, deception and Department of Defense propaganda and unfortunately too often you may be giving it to them. I say silence their voices on your platform to help accelerate understanding for the sake of those who are new to the issue.
Remember, these DOD trolls (to borrow the example of chemtrails) only need a Web platform to have their voices heard, which they know they can get any time with mainstream media sites. They go out of their way, however, to visit KNOWN truth and consciousness sites and channels, (which they obviously disagree with) to drop their (paid for?) messages. Why then would we (truth seekers) help them out?? At a glance, the same could be said for 9/11 truth, JFK and other issues.
Yes, I can't believe I'm saying this. I'm actually advocating censorship to some degree and perhaps I'm wrong, but I stand behind my conviction at this time. I say it's time to move forward with helping and healing humanity, and silencing the (Gov't Intelligence provided) online trolls could go a very long way in our journey to improve spreading awareness!
4 - Stop demonizing those who try to be positive as unrealistic dreamers
As discussed above (point #2). Many truth seekers demonize those who are positive and share the message of hope as "unrealistic" or naive "dreamers." Instead, consider the points above and remember that throughout the history of humanity, all evidence points to the fact that humans are capable of incredible things and these things are made possible by hope, positivity, and belief in yourself and humanity. As has often been said, it takes ONE person to change the world. On the other hand, throughout history there are no examples of anyone using fear, doom and gloom to accomplish anything great. Except for one group that is - only the globalist Illuminati cult followers look to promote fear, doom and gloom to accomplish things they consider great.
5 - Stop thinking that the current system will some day somehow repair itself
Speaking of being naive, too many truth seekers really believe that they will someday somehow repair the current system by forcing new legislation and convincing the bad politicians to behave differently by bowing to the demands of new petitions. None of this is based on reality or any political change success models of the past. Massive changes of the magnitude needed now in America usually take several generations to accomplish but, more importantly, massive changes like the ones needed today are accomplished by replacing (not repairing) the current system altogether.
True revolution of thought and a complete breakaway from the modern-day paradigm is needed in order to see true change. The depth of the corruption we have today will not be repaired by convincing one or two politicians with petitions to act differently. Instead, the entire system must be challenged and ultimately replaced.
It doesn't mean that truth seekers should stop being active or give up hope in what they do. It means that truth seekers should be realistic about immediate results and expectations and what these perceived hoped-for changes will do to our way of life. Realize that dirty politicians will not suddenly wake up and change their ways because of some petition or even court challenge. These politicians must each be replaced entirely for us to move in the right direction.
6 - Stop thinking mainstream media news is true until proven otherwise
Truth seekers in their quest to be correct about what they are saying or believing, too often tend to hear mainstream media news and only debunk it IF they can somehow "prove" to themselves that the piece of news is not true. At a glance, that may sound like a prudent thing to do, but I would like to challenge this notion.
Yes, it is important to be judicious with the facts of a story. However, if we assume that mainstream media holds the power to lay down the original working narrative, then we are empowering the mainstream media without realizing it. In the real world, if someone lied to us every minute of every day, you would never believe anything they had to say at any time. That would be the logical thing to do with someone like this. Most people would agree to this without offering much of an argument.
However, despite knowing how often mainstream media lies, often for the sake of not wanting to sound like a conspiracy nut, truth seekers will initially accept the mainstream media narrative only until after it is proven untrue later on. We reason in our minds that believing mainstream media until proven otherwise must be the logical and the "normal" thing to do, but actually there is no basis for this argument. Instead we should assume that whatever initial claims mainstream media makes are ALSO an unproven (lying nut case) lie that has not been authenticated yet with hard facts. And, yes, we need to look at the current-day mainstream media standard of "evidence" with a magnifying glass since what passes as "evidence" by the mainstream media today is hardly evidence at all.
I believe it is very important to start your individual research into any story with the working hypothesis that the mainstream media has no interest in telling the truth; and their interest, across the board, as proven by the historical facts is to act as a mouthpiece for the State. We can reasonably and logically defend this assumption based on the history of mainstream media's propensity to tell (State-scripted) lies. Why then do we give any degree of credence to any story they put out??
7 - Stop following leaders and realize we are all leaders
Finally, we need to stop putting truth-seeking perceived leaders on a pedestal like they are gods. Truth and consciousness is a manifestation of humanity. It is not intended to be limited or controlled by one person, one leader or one guru. Instead, it's meant to be more like a network of truth where every connection and every point counts equally. Government Intelligence loves it when truth seekers look to one person or one perceived leader instead of realizing they are the leaders themselves. This "follow the leader" pack mentality plays into the hands of the opposition, as it makes it easier for the opposition to tear down the entire movement by simply tearing down that ONE leader. A very convenient and efficient tactic, don't you think?
Realize that the last thing the opposition wants is for every single person to realize that they have the power in them to change the world. To realize that they are the leaders, and to realize they are the change that will make this world a better place. The opposition knows it cannot possibly control the masses individually for there are too many of us. But a single person is much easier to control or destroy.
It doesn't mean we should resort back to point number 1, and label every leader as "controlled opposition." It means we should support anyone and everyone who is making a difference, while realizing that we are the leaders as well. It means that you share with people the information instead of glorifying the person who is passing the information.
As we begin the new year, let's re-elevate our truth-seeking game and create counter strategies so that we can be as effective as possible in waking others up and empowering them with truth. Realize that humanity is up against a sophisticated Intelligence apparatus that knows how to exploit, manipulate, divert, and confuse the masses who seek truth.
Now try applying these seven ideas to your life and see where you can improve your truth-seeking and self-empowerment strategies. If we all do a good job at applying some of these principles, I believe together this will absolutely make for a much brighter and more successful upcoming year.
Peace and love to all and have a truly happy new year!
Bernie Suarez is an activist, critical thinker, radio host, musician, M.D, Veteran, lover of freedom and the Constitution, and creator of the Truth and Art TV project. He also has a background in psychology and highly recommends that everyone watch a documentary titled The Century of the Self. Bernie has concluded that the way to defeat the New World Order is to truly be the change that you want to see. Manifesting the solution and putting truth into action is the very thing that will defeat the globalists.
Health Impact News Editor
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for the ALS Association is sweeping the nation, and going viral in social media. However, do you know what you are supporting if you contribute funds to the ALS Association?
The ALS Association describes their “mission”:
Established in 1985, The ALS Association is the only national non-profit organization fighting Lou Gehrig’s Disease on every front. By leading the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS through a nationwide network of chapters, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships, The Association builds hope and enhances quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and a cure.
As the preeminent ALS organization, The Association leads the way in research, care services, public education, and public policy — giving help and hope to those facing the disease. The Association’s nationwide network of chapters provides comprehensive patient services and support to the ALS community. (Source.)
ALS is the acronym for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” Media portrayals of the Ice Bucket Challenge generally state that ALS “is always fatal and has no known cure,” and therefore urge people to contribute to the ALS Association to fund research to find a cure.
Where Does the Money Contributed to the ALS Association Go?
So where does the money donated to the ALS Association actually go? You may be surprised to find out that the Association itself claims that only 27% of its funds go towards research.
We pulled up their 2013 tax returns to take a closer look at how their funds are spent. Here are the salaries for the leadership of the group:
- Jane H. Gilbert – President and CEO – $339,475.00
- Daniel M. Reznikov – Chief Financial Officer – $201,260.00
- Steve Gibson – Chief Public Policy Officer – $182,862.00
- Kimberly Maginnis - Chief of Care Services Officer – $160,646.00
- Lance Slaughter - Chief Chapter Relations and Development Officer – $152,692.00
- Michelle Keegan – Chief Development Officer – $178,744.00
- John Applegate – Association Finance Officer – $118.726.00
- David Moses – Director of Planned Giving – $112,509.00
- Carrie Munk – Chief Communications and Marketing Officer – $142,875.00
- Patrick Wildman – Director of Public Policy – $112,358.00
- Kathi Kromer – Director of State Advocacy – $110,661.00
Total administration costs, as seen in the pie chart above, were just under $2 million. “Other salaries and wages” (Part IX line 7) were $3.6 million, with another half million dollars in “pension plans” and “employee benefits.” Expenses for non-employee labor were about $4 million, and “travel expenses” exceeded $1.3 million.
So total costs for labor to run the association was around $12.5 million, from revenues received totaling $24 million.
Over 50% of what the ALS Association receives appears to support salaries of people working for the Association, based on these tax returns.
So what about the rest of the revenue?
Almost $1 million was spent on “Lobbying” (Schedule C Part II 2a). Here is what they wrote concerning their Lobbying efforts:
Explanation: The purpose of our advocacy program is to sensitize legislators to, and obtain their sympathy for, the plight of ALS victims, patients and their families, and to influence legislation regarding the appropriation of federal funds for ALS research and the use and cost to patients of “orphan” drugs.
The largest amount of what is remaining is: “Grants and other assistance to governments and organizations in the United States” (Part IX line 1) – $6.2 million. This amount is itemized on Schedule 1. Almost all of these recipients are medical schools, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry.
The ALS Association was started in 1985, and they still have not invested in any new cures for ALS. One of the latest failures was Biogen’s drug dexpramipexole, which halted research in early 2013. The drug was in research for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of between $75 million and $100 million, but was abandoned in last stage development due to poor results. (Source.)
If You Are Pro-life, You Are Supporting Research in Stem-Cells from Aborted Fetuses for ALS
The ALS Foundation’s primary work in “research” is in the development of new pharmaceutical drugs, and that includes stem cell research. Here is one study where they have been listed as a sponsor: A Phase I, Open-label, First-in-human Feasibility and Safety Study of Human Spinal Cord derived Neural Stem Cell Transplantation for the Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Quote:
These stem cells have been engineered from the spinal cord of a single fetus electively aborted after eight weeks of gestation. The tissue was obtained with the mother’s consent.
When we make a contribution to a charity, typically we want to know that the particular charity reflects our own values, so this will be important information for many people.
Are There non-Drug Alternatives for ALS Treatment?
Yes! However, you are not likely to read anything about this from a non-profit charitable organization supporting the pharmaceutical industry. We have previously reported the story of Clarence and his experience in using coconut oil: Coconut Oil Reverses Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
Coconut oil can be used in a strict ketogenic diet that has been shown to be successful in treating Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and cancer. among others. The principles of the ketogenic diet are completely different from the philosophy that the pharmaceutical companies start from in their research, where the assumption is that ALS is a “genetic disease.” Most of the current research on fighting disease with a ketogenic diet starts out with the assumption that modern diseases are primarily metabolic, and not genetic, caused by such things as poor diet, toxins in our food and environment, etc.
Another non-drug approach currently seeing success with those suffering from ALS is theDeanna Protocol. This nutritional protocol has seen great success among many users, but I could find no information on any research being done on it by the ALS Association, sadly.
For a review of over 500 published studies on natural approaches to ALS that you are unlikely to see referenced by the ALS charities supporting the pharmaceutical industry,’s research page on ALS here.
Charities and fun activities like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge can often give us a feeling of contributing to something very helpful and worthwhile, but it is always wise to research any charity first. Examining their tax returns is one good way to find out where their money is actually being spent.